That the viability of the real program was Phone Number List put at stake, largely avoided in the second round and due to the vaccination campaign. It is essentially a replica of the neoliberal recipes of the 1990s: adjustment and downsizing of the State, privatization of profitable sectors , energy labor flexibility, expansion of extractive mining and oil activity, and incentives Phone Number List for investment. The other elements that explain the government belligerence, which we will address immediately, are the beginning of social mobilization and the Phone Number List publication of the Pandora Papers.
The activation of social mobilization Phone Number List A few weeks into the government, there were some protests from agricultural sectors of the coast due to the price of rice and the breach of campaign commitments. But the most general malaise was linked to the monthly increase in fuel prices, which led to a new call for the Phone Number List mobilization of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador The protest was met with a positive balance from the parent organization of the indigenous movement and the government's affirmation that the marches Phone Number List were a failure. The had decided to mobilize in localities and not advance towards Quito, as happened in several provinces.
And finally, the strike was interrupted Phone Number List by the departure of President Lasso from the country and by the declaration of a long holiday at the beginning of November. Although the social mobilization was rather localized and did not generate the spillover effect of the 2019 protests, it established the position of the indigenous Phone Number List movement and various organized sectors against the government and introduced the streets as an alternative scenario to Parliament for the processing of crimes. politics. The government's response has Phone Number List moved between attempts at dialogue and strengthening of repressive devices, among which the state of.