The text reviews the "levels of social disorganization", highlights employment conditions and opportunities, and points out the mediating role of the family as a socializing institution and the different gender roles in the socialization process. The disorganization mobile phone number list is not seen as the origin, but as the consequence of the mismatches between the slave condition and the requirements of urban life. That is to say, environments that cannot be controlled, “misplaced” rationalities. As a foretaste of a theme that would come to the fore a few decades later, Fernandes notes the centrality of sexuality and the body. He also, in a very interesting way, approaches the street and the neighborhood as spaces of sociability,18. In short, what Fernandes does is discard the essences and historicize the processes. There is nothing essential in race; there are historical processes mobile phone number list that could have been different.
For example, he points out that “the aptitude for change does not have to do so much with the contents and organization of people's cultural horizons or categories mobile phone number list of people, but with their location in the economic structure and their power in the city”. »19. Urban capitalist development, salaried work and the competitive social order are the axes that structure social reality. Some trajectories and experiences are more easily mobile phone number list adapted to them –such as those of immigrant workers–, while others make integration processes more difficult. Women, accustomed to daily domestic work, experience more continuity and fewer breaks in their ways of life.
Hence their possibilities to "benefit" from their experience, doubly subordinate, to their employers and their partners in the family. This survival of behavior mobile phone number list patterns, inherited from the slave period, is not only present among blacks and mulattoes. "The 'white man' also continued to be attached to a system of social values and racial domination (...twenty. Given the imbalances in the process of creating this «competitive social order», with strong racial inequalities and mobile phone number list the absence of a racial democracy –despite the myth–, where to look for the seeds of the transformation of social practices and racial hierarchies?